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Blue Sage & Mandrake Root Smudge Stick


Blue sage is often known as Grandmother Sage.

This purifying herb has great Medicinal and magic applications.

The Sage provides spiritual strength and is sometimes used in Exorcism rituals to remove malevolent spirits. AKA Azure Sage and Pitcher Sage.

Mandrake Root is is used for protection during sleep and image magic.

Harvested ecosensitively and in traditional manner.

Blue Sage & Mandrake Root Smudge Stick

  • First set the intention to clear your home or space of negative, stagnant energy to be replaced by positive, enlivened energy. Never underestimate the power of your intention.

    Light a tea light, smudge sticks are notoriously difficult to light and stay alight. Light your smudge stick from the tea light. This may take a few attempts. 

    Once your smudge stick is alight and smoking, move to the main entrance to your home or the area you intend to smudge. Start moving counter clockwise around your home or the area you wish to clear, intending to move all negativity ahead of you with the smoke. Remember to ensure you send smoke into all corners where stagnant area sits, intending to move this energy around and out. You may wish to use a feather to help waft the sacred smoke into difficult to reach corners or spaces. Keep moving steadily in the counter clockwise route around the space ending where you started, intending the negative energy be released outside of your space.

  • Never leave a lighted smudge stick unattended. 

    Ensure your smudge stick is unlit before putting away.  Scrubbing the smudge stick on a hard surface can help ensure it is no longer alight. 

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