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Pure Blue Natural Dried Butterfly Pea Tea Blue Flowers 10g Clitoria Kordofan


Blue Pea, Aprajita, Cordofan pea, Blue Tea flowers and Asian pigeonwings.

The earthy flavour of butterfly-pea flower tea is said to be a mood enhancer. The tea is said to have stress busting effects that may also help reduce symptoms of anxiety. It is also known to refresh the brain and helps keep you energised and happy throughout the day.

How to drink:

1. Put the dried butterfly peas in about 10-15, or put a cup of hot water as needed. (or boiling water)

2. Wait 3-5 minutes and you will get blue water. Then filter the dried pea flowers.

If you like sour - add a drop of lemon juice (water will change from blue to purple)


Place in a mojo bag or carry in a pouch for courage and protection. Use in rituals involving psychic awakening and dreamwork before bed.

Packed in a brown eco friendly ziplock bag so your herbs stay fresh at all times!

Pure Blue Natural Dried Butterfly Pea Tea Blue Flowers 10g Clitoria Kordofan

  • Must be infused in boiling water prior to consuming.

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