Loose Dried Natural Lemon Verbena 25g
Other Names: Cedron, Lemon Beebrush, Hierba de la Princesa, Lucia-Lima, Lemon Luisa, Yerba Louisa and Verveine Citronelle.
Another helpful addition to your botanical apothecary.
Lemon Verbena as a herbal tea is refreshing and can also aid digestion, reducing bloating.
Lemon Verbena has relaxing and calming properties assisting with sleep, stress and low mood.
It has also been used to ease symptoms for patients experiencing neuropathic pain.
Lemon verbena is also a natural and tasty remedy for cold and flu making it a great wintry drink.
Use 1 ⁄2 tsp dried leaves per cup after meals for flatulence or at night for insomnia.
Combine with dandelion leaves to assist with and improve liver function.
NB: Consult a herbalist for advice on dosage.
Can be added to love Spells and mixtures or can be worn to make you
attractive to the opposite sex. Add it to incense blends to dispel negative
energy, cleanse and purify or add to bath sachets for purification. Add this
herb to other mixtures to increase their strength. Place Lemon Verbena
under you pillow to stop nightmares.
Magical Uses: Purification, Love, Exorcism and Nightmares.
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Sign: Pisces
NB: It is likely unsafe to use Lemon Verbena if you are pregnant or breast feeding or have a history of breast cancer
Packed in a brown eco friendly ziplock bag so your herbs stay fresh at all times!
Loose Dried Natural Lemon Verbena 25g Calming, Relaxing, Digestion Tea, Infusion
1/2tsp blackberry leaf
1/2tsp nettle leaf
1/2tsp lemon verbena
1/2tsp raspberry leaf
1/4tsp oregano
1/4tsp spearmint
1/4tsp agrimony
2 mint sprigs to garnish