Carrying or wearing Moldavite in jewellery allows its energies to remain in one's vibrational field throughout the day strengthening its effects and increasing the incidents of beneficial synchronicities in daily life.
Because of Moldavite's intense vibration, some may experience light-headedness or a lack of grounding and may need to acclimate themselves gradually to wearing it.
Moldavite is a useful stone for star children and sensitive souls who find it difficult being in incarnation on the earth, and who cannot adjust to suffering and deep emotions.
Placed on the heart, Moldavite uncovers the reasons and purpose for why one is here, and eases the "homesickness" for those whose origin is not Earth.
The Goddess is often portrayed with strong lunar symbolism, drawing on various deities such as Diana, Hecate, and Isis, and is often depicted as the Maiden, Mother, and Crone triad. Many depictions of her also draw strongly on Celtic goddesses.
The Goddess represents the spark of Divine Energy that is within each of us and is the True Essence of who we are. She represents Home, the state of Being that we all long for – Nirvana, Bliss.
Moldavite serves as a talisman for spiritual development by reawakening the spirit and causing it to expand tremendously. It establishes a solid link between the cosmos and your own awareness. It shields the aura from harmful forces. It is connected to the heart chakra since it is a stone of the heart.